Abnova TAR DNA Binding Protein Collection – Sign Up to Win iPhone 4-自主发布-资讯-生物在线

Abnova TAR DNA Binding Protein Collection – Sign Up to Win iPhone 4

作者:广州雅怡生物科技有限公司 2011-07-28T00:00 (访问量:3348)

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In this issue: TAR DNA Binding Protein Collection
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Products in Focus
TAR DNA Binding Protein Collection
TAR DNA binding protein (TARDBP), also known as TDP-43, is a DNA and RNA-binding protein which regulates transcription and splicing
TARDBP was originally identified as a transcriptional repressor that binds to chromosomally integrated TAR DNA and represses HIV-1 transcription.[1] Further studies showed that mutations in the TARDBP gene are associated with the pathology of cystic fibrosis and neurodegenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal lobar dementia.[2] Abnova recognizes TARDBP as a principal component involved in various diseases and has developed multiple products spanning different product lines regarding this popular research target. Check the list below, or view the detailed list on our website:
WB (Cell lysate) IHC (FFPE sections) Immunofluorescence Sandwich ELISA RNAi Knockdown
Img. Application Data for Monoclonal Antibody H00023435-M01
MaxPab® Antibody
H00023435-D01P TARDBP purified MaxPab rabbit polyclonal antibody (D01P)
Monoclonal Antibody
H00023435-M01 TARDBP monoclonal antibody (M01), clone 2E2-D3
H00023435-M02 TARDBP monoclonal antibody (M02), clone 1B4-B1
MAB2040 TARDBP monoclonal antibody, clone k1B8
Polyclonal Antibody
H00023435-A01 TARDBP polyclonal antibody (A01)
PAB11464 TARDBP polyclonal antibody
PAB12006 TARDBP polyclonal antibody
PAB13283 TARDBP polyclonal antibody
PAB13284 TARDBP polyclonal antibody
PAB17206 TARDBP polyclonal antibody
Antibody Pairs
TARDBP (Human) IP-WB Antibody Pair
TARDBP Recombinant Protein (P01)
TARDBP Pre-design Chimera RNAi
TARDBP Validated Chimera RNAi
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地 址: 广东省广州市越秀区中山二路48号冶金大厦后座1033室

联系人: 詹小姐

电 话: 020-61002661转803

传 真: QQ:1572149581



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